Princess Mononoke Movie Recap

Princess Mononoke begins with a boy, named Ashitaka, coming toward some girls, and making them aware that wise women want everyone in the village, girls in reply told him that something strange is happening in the forest. Ashitaka goes to the tower to check, and up from the tower he notices something, he then goes further up and there an old man tells him that there’s something inhuman. Suddenly, a demon appears, he was eating all the animals in the forest. The demon starts moving towards the village, Ashitaka in response tries to stop him and follows him on his deer, he attacks him with an arrow, but in response he gets infected.

Princess Mononoke

People start gathering around him, then an old lady comes with an antidote and saves him for the time being. The demon while dying threatens them that they have to suffer. Later that day, the old woman tells the fate of Ashitaka, that he will die due to this infection. After that, he leaves, and while leaving his sister gives him a crystal, which she believes will protect him. On his way he finds some people fighting, he tries to stop them and ends up killing two of them. Strange things start happening to his infected arm. Probably it’s because of that demon infection. Later, a man tries to talk and takes him to a cave. Ashitaka tells him about the whole incident with that demon, the man then tells him about the place in the forest where the spirit of the forest lives. Ashitaka decides to go there.

Then there are villagers shown who were moving on the mountain, on their way they engage with two wolves one of them having a girl, named San on his back, villagers try to kill them but in response, the wolves’ mother jumps in and attacks them, however, villagers wound her, San tries to save her, while doing so Ashitaka watches them. He introduces himself to San, but she ignores him, telling him to leave.

Ashitaka also finds two men there, one of them unconscious and the other getting afraid of tree spirits. Ashitaka asks one of the spirits to help him find the way, they start showing the way and take them to a magical place, where he decides to rest a bit. Ashitaka sees some animals from an opening, after seeing his infected hand starts shaking, he quickly dips his hand in the pond. After taking some rest, he moves from there and takes the men to their village. Villagers after seeing their lost men become happy.

The head of that village calls Ashitaka in the evening to thank him. Later that day, when they were having dinner, people of the village told him that on their way they got attacked by some bores and their lady saved them. While talking, the lady calls Ashitaka for their appreciation, he shows her the infected wound and tells her about the demon that appeared in his area. She then takes him to her secret area, where rifles are being made. Ashitaka realizes that she is the one who converted that bore into a demon.

Suddenly, his infected hand tries to attack her but he manages to control it. She tells him about Princess Mononoke, that she is the spirit of wolves, beasts, and the ancient god. Ashitaka leaves from there and goes to the women working chamber, and starts helping them with their work. Later that night, Princess San comes out of his cave and starts rushing toward the village, people try to oppose her but fail. Ashitaka starts chasing her. Lady Eboshi comes out and calls the princess to come in open.

Ashitaka notices that Eboshi has set a trap for her, he tells the princess from distance and tells her to go back to the forest, but she ignores him and gets shot by the people, then a fight between the princess and Lady Eboshi begins. Suddenly, Ashitaka comes in and knocks down both, he hands over the lady to the village and takes the princess with him, one of the women accidentally shoots him but this doesn’t affect him, as he continues to move and opens up the gate with his single hand.

On his way, he gets unconscious and falls from his deer, wolves try to attack him but San stops them and asks him why he saved that woman, and tells him that she’s evil and deserves to die, she further tells him that she is unafraid of her death and will kill anyone who tries to come to the forest, but in reply, he tells her that she’s beautiful.

Moments later, apes start throwing stones toward the unconscious Ashitaka, they want to eat him, and according to them eating him will set an example for other humans and they will stop cutting the trees, princess convinces them not to. She then takes Ashitaka with her. Then there appears the great forest spirit, a guy from before with some others who tries to hunt the spirit. They see some bores there and escape from there. The forest spirit heals Ashitaka and he wakes and finds San near him, although he is not recovered yet, San feeds him from her mouth.

Suddenly, wolves and bores appear, bores also wanted to kill the humans to save the forest and they wanted to start this by eating Ashitaka, the mother wolf tries to stop them and tells them that the great spirit has healed him. Ashitaka tells them that he has killed one of the bores as that bore was under the demon’s control, the leader of the bores listens to all this and leaves. Later that night, when the rest were sleeping, Ashitaka woke and came out of the cave, where he had some talk with the mother wolf, she also tells him that she will kill Lady Eboshi. After that mother wolf became angry at him when he calls the Princess a human, she replies to him that she is her daughter and not a human, and she further tells him to leave the forest.

The next morning, he leaves the cave, and one of the wolves shows him the way back, on leaving he gives the wolf a pendant and tells him to give it to Princess San. Lady Eboshi started planning to kill the animals, while they were setting a trap, Princess San along with the mother wolf sees her. Princess wears the pendant given by Ashitaka and goes to help the bores in their fight with humans. Ashitaka sees this form of distance and starts heading toward the scene. Some men try to kill him, and he fights back.

He sees bores as well as human death, there he finds the villagers and tells them the whole scenario, he also asks if they have seen a princess, and one of them tells him that she was fighting on the front. Meanwhile, lady Eboshi continues killing the bores. Ashitaka finds a wolf, he then leads him toward the princess. Princess San, while she was assisting the bore leader, sees that humans under bore skins started following them, they surround them and poisons the bore leader, resulting in him turning into a demon.

Ashitaka comes to rescue the princess, on his way he sees Lady Eboshi and tells her that her village is in danger as the people from another tribe have attacked them, but she ignores him. Ashitaka tries to save the princess but couldn’t able to do so, the mother wolf uses the last of her strength to save San but is unable to do so. The forest spirit comes and takes the mother wolf and the bore’s leader lives away, Ashitaka grabs San and takes her under the water. Lady Eboshi shoots the great forest spirit to take his head, she then gets injured, and the spirit starts searching for his head.

Ashitaka convinces San and takes her with him, later he tells the people of the village and asks them to leave. He finds the man who has the head and asks him to give the head back, but in response, he starts fighting. Ashitaka and San give their head back to the forest spirit. Then everything starts getting back to normal. After that Princess San left with his wolves, although Ashitaka told her that he will visit her. There Princess Mononoke ends.

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Princess Mononoke (Bluray/DVD Combo) [Blu-ray]

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