Prison School Anime Recap

Prison School begins with a group of boys who meets each other in Hachimitsu Academy. That year school has an unbelievable imbalance in students. The Underground Student Council (USC) stops contact between boys and girls. Kiyoshi becomes friends with a girl in his class named “Chiyo”. Chiyo is a sumo wrestling fan. Chiyo invites Kiyoshi to a sumo date.

Prison School

As the boys have lacked the confidence to talk with girls, So they decide to watch them secretly in the female bath area. While watching they get caught by USC. Now due to this, they get punished for 1 month in the schools prison block. The USC secretary Hana takes over guard duty from USC Vice-President Meiko & the boys realize she is too violent.

When Kiyoshi climbs a tree to help a crawling, he sees Chiyo. Kiyoshi couldn’t confess his involvement to Chiyo, he promises to go on the date. Hana gets a pee because she drank too much tea, While peeing Kiyoshi sees her from the top and falls off the tree and saw her, creating a scene.

School Chairman after talking to the USC president gets some time off for the boys on weekends. However, Mari’s USC president ends their free time when she sees adult material on the Chairman’s computer and becomes more strict when the chairman drops nude photos of girls. This worries Kiyoshi as he wanted to go on a date this weekend so he plans to break out through the jail.

Now he secretly starts digging a hole in the waste disposal cabin’s wall. Gakuto notices his plans after seeing Chiyo’s note which she wrote to Kiyoshi. Then Gakuto finds Kiyoshi’s break-out plan interesting and joins him. Meanwhile, Hana wanted a repayment from Kiyoshi and wanted to see him peeing. When Kiyoshi and Gakuto try to get rid of Hana, Gakuto forces Kiyoshi to go to the toilet where Hana follows Kiyoshi. Hana forces Kiyoshi and gets inside the washroom with him where she accidentally gets pee all over her.

Prison School Arm Wrestle

Kiyoshi and Gakuto complete their escape plan. They plan to do a check on that escape hole so Kiyoshi gets out of that hole. However, on his way back he gets distracted by the Chairman. Mieko gets there and starts asking for Kiyoshi, the moment when she was about to catch him, Kiyoshi luckily gets back. The boys get gift request forms and they are given the task of helping at a district sports event.

On Another day when Kiyoshi and Gakuto were taking a bath, Shingo sees them and assumes they are homosexual and changes his group. The next day, Kiyoshi discovers a drain line that joins the sports ground to the waste disposal area. Kiyoshi and Gakuto wanted a recording for the diversion so, to obtain that, Gakuto poops inside their computer classroom which was full of girls.

The chairman blocks the escape hole. After that Kiyoshi makes up his mind to cross-dress out of the school. For Kiyoshi’s sake, Gakuto runs and removes Mari’s skirt from below. Meiko becomes angry and punishes him by shaving his long hair short which Gakuto steals to use as a wig for Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi steals a girl’s uniform from the laundry room risking himself inside the cleaner’s van.

That uniform was of Chino. On Saturday when the sports event arrives, Kiyoshi escapes with the help of Gakuto. Now Chiyo and Kiyoshi enjoy their date and food at the Sumo tournament until Kiyoshi goes to the toilet and Chiyo accidentally spills the tea on his bag. When Chiyo opens the bag, she founds her uniform inside which offends her. Chiyo leaves the stadium making that date a disappointment.

Meiko gets alert and calls Kiyoshi to get out of the washroom, but Kiyoshi doesn’t reply which makes Meiko angry she breaks the washroom door and finds Kiyoshi sitting on the seat. After seeing that Meiko leave and Gakuto collects his limited edition figures. Kiyoshi then tells Gakuto about the failed date, suddenly Mari comes and reveals Kiyoshi’s photo and says that Kiyoshi was at the sumo tournament. Further, Mari tells that Chiyo is her younger sister, which shocks Kiyoshi.

The other boys get angry at Kiyoshi’s disloyalty. Meiko puts Kiyoshi in prison where he is investigated. Now only Gakuto was on Kiyoshi’s side while the other boys starts hating him. Mari strives to terminate Kiyoshi and almost succeeds in persuading Kiyoshi to leave the school of his own free will. The moment at which Kiyoshi was about to sign, Chiyo comes and protects him successfully.

Then Mari decides to terminate all the boys under her plan “DTO”. While cleaning the toilet Kiyoshi runs into Hana who corners him and guarantees to take her vengeance. At the USC meeting, they start planning DTO. Mari and Meiko notify Hana about their plan of expelling the boys. When boys complete their daily assessment, Meiko recruits Shingo as an informer and in return, she offered him good food. Shingo discloses that Jo is very conscious about his ants. Meiko tells that to Mari and then they plan an incident involving the ants.

The next day, when the boys were having fun, some crows attacks Jo’s ants in the yard. The USC members stop Jo from defending the ants. This makes Jo angry and he strives to injure Mari with a wooden knife which Kiyoshi intercepts. This makes Kiyoshi innocent in front of Jo. Now Jo is placed in solitary detention where he understands the crows were not killing the ants.

As Kiyoshi gets injured, Hana takes him to the nurse’s room and fails to impose her payback. Later that day, Shingo gets approval from Meiko to leave campus and she issued his school uniform. Shingo goes to a games arcade during his undertakings for USC. At the gaming arcade, he finds a second-year Anzu while he was playing the fighting game.

The other day, when Mieko asks Shingo for more information, he reveals a toy blade that he discovered in the toilets. Meiko uses that blade in a plan to prove Gakuto’s collaboration in Kiyoshi’s escape. Meiko avoids Gakuto and attempts to crush the figure to force his confession. Gakuto takes that toy from her and smashes the toy. He apologizes to Kiyoshi for ignoring their bullying.

Gakuto admits to the boys, that he was working with Kiyoshi and was guiding him in the breakout, the boy’s excuse. Shingo was still against them. The boys notice Shingo’s absences with Meiko. Throughout the following days, Andre was under punishment by a fully-covered Meiko. Andre starts playing tricks but failed, this makes him mentally depressed.

Chiyo discovers Meiko unconscious in the school corridor. Chiyo takes Mieko to the USC office where she finds the DTO plan. She gets shocked when Kiyoshi shows suspicion toward Shingo. Meiko sends Shingo on his prison leave so Shingo decides to go to watch a movie named “The Grapes of Wrath” with Anzu. Unfortunately, they leave the cinema because they don’t like the movie.

Chiyo notifies Kiyoshi by sending a hidden message in the form of pieces of their board game which Kiyoshi fails to interpret. Kiyoshi tells Gakuto about that message and Gakuto quickly cracks it. The message was a warning. Meanwhile, Andre was tricked into the courtyard by USC.

When Andre discovers Meiko beyond the courtyard’s wire wall, he couldn’t get control of himself and destroys the gate. All these outcomes in a second escape. Meanwhile, when Shungo was with Anzu, she confesses that she’s a USC spy sent to stop him to get back to school on time. Shingo ran to get back in time but fails. Thus, resulting in the third escape. USC celebrates as DTO was a complete success.

The boys agree to regain the email information of DTO from the security office computer to avoid their termination. They all agree with Gakuto’s plan to privately enter the guard office and fetch the information. Now they plan that they will have an arm-wrestling contest to distract Mieko and take keys from her and they successfully did that.

As Gakuto needs at least 10 minutes for fetching the data, the boys have to distract Mieko for at least 10 minutes, so they all start doing arm-wrestling with her. Gakuto goes first for any losses within a second. Then Kiyoshi goes and puts in some effort but fails to defeat Mieko. Meanwhile when Kiyoshi was matching Gakuto quietly stole the key from Mieko’s jacket and went to the security office.

After Kiyoshi, Shingo and Jo undergo an instant failure. Andre finally challenges her and keeps Meiko busy with his long nipple hair. But this doesn’t stop Mieko for long as she forced a win by shutting her eyes and destroying Andre. At that exact time, Gakuto retrieves having only regained the data but failing to fetch it. This makes boys safe and they realize that their coming termination was unavoidable. This all broke the boy’s hearts and they become helpless.

Meiko gives the boys departure forms that they have to sign for their termination. Kiyoshi says to Meiko that the boys wanted to make an appeal to the Chairman for an expansion before their termination, but Meiko rips up their letter, but somehow Kiyoshi gets successful in sending that appeal letter to Chairman. Chairman asks the boys to solve his puzzle which was to choose between butt or breasts.

Chairman further asks Kiyoshi to answer his puzzle, Kiyoshi chooses butts from his understanding of the Chairman’s choice. After struggling a lot, Kiyoshi uses human beings’ evolutionary theory to prove the distinction of the ass. the Chairman approves their appeal and gives them a one-day expansion to collect proof of their innocence. This all saddens Mari.

At the USC’s office, Hana soldiers to watch out for the boys, but the boys formulate a new plan that is to immerse Meiko in an ass-wrestling tournament, but Hana has already convinced Mari to allow her to guard the boys. So when Hana comes instead of Meiko this shocks the boys but they continue adapting their plan to Hana. Hana threatens Kiyoshi as she will going to have revenge on him.

When Meiko was doing pushups, Mari comes and comforts her with her loyalty. The boys arrange a night sneaky plan with Chiyo at the backdoor of the prison while Kiyoshi will go and distract Hana. Anzu stops Chiyo in the school kitchens and offers Chiyo her help. Gakuto makes Hana angry and allows Kiyoshi to go to the nurse’s office. Hana then starts taking revenge on Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi finds a point and successfully unlocks the backdoor during their heated encounter.

Meiko catches Anzu on Mari’s arrangements. Anzu was playing a decoy for Chiyo, then Chiyo proceeded. When Anzu gets caught she shoots, her voice is recognized by the boys who determine her helping role in Chiyo’s progress. However, Anzh proves to be helpful. Meanwhile, In the nurse’s office, Hana starts kissing Kiyoshi as a punishment for his doings. Kiyoshi gets the advantage of that kiss and expands the kiss until Hana crumbles on the floor, Hana then ends his shift and goes to bed. Mari does a secret investigation with Meiko and thinks that all things a going smoothly and safely.

The next day, the boys are called to Chairmen’s office. They protest their termination and reveal the plan that they have done successfully with Chiyo. Gakuto then appears with email evidence of DTO. Thus, the boys are then proven innocent and the USC’s pannings against boys are proven to the Chairman, who then announces the punishment for USC’s members. Boys are now free from prison and they are shown enjoying their independence. Then a new President Kate ensures the charge of the USC members. There the anime ends.

If you enjoyed reading our Prison School recap, check our other recap articles here: AniWatch Haven Recaps

Prison School: The Complete Series [Blu-ray]

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