Redo of Healer Recap

Redo of Healer starts with a young fellow, Keyaru, who hears a voice inside his head guiding him to a Star Soul, who awards him the Halcyon Eye. This grants the ability to see all creation. In a past life, Keyaru was a mending entertainer, yet his power constrained him to persevere through the difficult recollections of those he recuperated. 

Redo of Healer Keyaru

He was caught, mishandled, and compelled to recuperate his detainers in a fight. Covertly, he developed his skills further, engrossing the encounters of his victimizers, and figured out how to involve mending wizardry in unpredictable ways. With his past memories acquired, Keyaru swears vengeance on his primary victimizer, Princess Flare of the Jioral Realm. 

Flare, who has no memory of these occasions, detects his enlivening and pronounces him the Recuperation Legend. Keyaru exploits the servants in the imperial family who engage in sexual relations with him. 

Keyaru recovers the cutaway arm of thankful swordswoman Kureha, however, he drops due to the painful recollections of the swordswoman. Flare unsympathetically orders the court performer to deal with Keyaru, regardless of how painful the technique is. 

Redo of Healer Healing Powers

Pretending to be afraid of absorbing painful memories, Keyaru swears never to heal again and pretends to allow Flare to imprison and get him addicted to drugs, even allowing himself to be raped to fool her further.

Flare starts constraining Keyaru to mend harmed fighters, while Keyaru furtively duplicates mystical capacities from them. At the point when the Lord is missing and Keyaru becomes invulnerable to drugs, he involves his taken capacities to get away and camouflage himself as Leonard, Flare’s Majestic Officer. Once alone with Flare, he recuperates away her capacity to utilize enchantment, delivering her unprotected. 

After repeatedly breaking and then healing her fingers, Keyaru rapes Flare before he heals her in order to alter her appearance and memories. After that, Keyaru heals a dead bodyguard’s face to look like Flare, then he frames Leonard before he escapes with the real Flare. 

Redo of Healer Flare with Broken Fingers

Keyaru chooses to focus on his different targets, bullet, and blade, before searching out the Devil Master he recently crushed to figure out the thing she had been attempting to safeguard when she kicked the bucket. Keyaru concludes he and Freia should leave the city. In any case, he likewise discovers that Norn, Flare’s more youthful, plainer, and perverted sister, is getting back to the city and not entirely set in stone to keep away from her. 

Keyaru has a nightmare of his previous life: Every night, Flare would force him to pleasure her. Second, the Sword Heroine, Blade, would beat him for touching Flare before sexually assaulting him since she could not sleep with Flare herself. Finally, Bullet, the Gun Hero, would violently rape him, claiming to love him before choking him unconscious. 

They later show up at Lanaritta, a rebellious city overwhelmed by crooks who go after poor people. With Halcyon Eye, Keyaru identifies the town’s water is defiled, making whoever drinks it wiped out. Utilizing his antibodies, Keyaru makes a fix from his blood and offers it to a trader, promising to keep making more in return for a portion of the benefits. Keyaru inspects the young lady’s memories and learns she needs vengeance against the Jioral Realm since they are wanting to take her town as slaves. 

Redo of Healer Halcyon Eye

Knowing that the young lady, Setsuna has no fighter capacities, Keyaru offers to make her more powerful by utilizing expertise taken from another legend, yet requires her actual name to get it done. Setsuna concurs, although realizing her actual name will give him command over her. To demonstrate he can make her more powerful, Keyaru has intercourse with Setsuna. Advancing toward Setsuna’s town, they find Jioral warriors tormenting detainees. Keyaru camouflages himself as the Blade Legend and kills them while Freia gives him covering fire. Setsuna pursues retribution by killing the fighter who oppressed her. A while later, Keyaru shows Setsuna that the ice wolves harmed the water and gives her a decision: either make the toxin sufficiently able to kill each human in Lanaritta or supplant the toxic substance with medication. Setsuna picks up the medication. 

After Keyaru engages in sexual relations with both Freia and Setsuna, they return to Lanaritta where the shipper endeavors to compel Keyaru to uncover the equation for the fix so he can get the benefits alone. Keyaru gives him a phony equation, bringing up to his friends that with the polluted water restored, the disease will disappear at any rate. 

Kureha then shows up and challenges him, accepting that he went after the Jioral fighters at Setsuna’s town unwarranted. After a great sword fight, Keyaru wins by splashing her with a sexual aphrodisiac and afterward mending her psyche to share the recollections of the troopers’ barbarities against Setsuna’s town, making her drop. At the point when she awakens, he uncovers he is Keyaru, the person who mended her arm, then, at that point, acquires Freia whom he told to profess to be Flare. “Flare,” tells Kureha that Jioral is bad and Keyaru faked her passing to save her life. She becomes hopelessly enamored with him and he boasts that she will currently do anything he says. 

Redo of Healer Kureha

In the interim, Leonard is following right after them. Freia and Setsuna become progressively envious of Keyaru and Kureha’s relationship. The party learns that troops driven by Leonard have caught the occupants of Keyaru’s town. Keyaru sends Kureha to explore, then camouflages himself and penetrates Leonard’s crew. At the point when he learns Leonard had tormented and assaulted his lifelong companion, Anna, an infuriated Keyaru catches Leonard and changes him into a lady before having his indoctrinated crew assault him. He then kills them all by setting the room ablaze. 

Keyaru tracks down Anna and attempts to mend her, yet she surrenders to her wounds. Kureha returns and reports that the townspeople will be freely executed for supporting the Recuperation Legend and that Norn has gotten back from abroad. 

Keyaru is careful about Norn as he recollects how she was more capable and manipulative than Flare. At the point when the public execution starts, Keyaru uncovers himself to save his residents. Keyaru starts to butcher the killers and doesn’t stop in any event, when they begin killing the locals. The killers attempt to utilize a supernatural obstruction to deplete his solidarity, yet Freia switches the impact. Keyaru learns the residents were taken care of by toxic substances prior so they were at that point kicking the bucket; he is simply ready to save one kid. Freia uncovers herself, professing to be Flare, and uncovers the debasement in Jioral, making the crowd turn on the killers and kill them. 

God Mode Flare

Kureha passes on to keep keeping an eye on the realm and cautions him that Norn and her military are set out toward the city of Branica. Keyaru takes note that Norn never went to Branica in his previous life. Keyaru chooses to go to Branica also because the Evil spirit Ruler will be there and he needs to meet her once more. En route, they make camp and Keyaru has intercourse with Freia and Setsuna. Freia’s incredible power causes her magic staves to eventually break, so Keyaru decides they will one day have to acquire divine weapons that can handle it. 

Keyaru along with Setsuna and Flare, arrives at Branica where humans and other races live in harmony unlike in other places. At a restaurant, they meet Eve Reese, the Demon Lord whom Keyaru met and defeated in his first life, but she is less powerful and her hair is black instead of silver, unlike he remembered, causing him to realize she is not yet the Demon Lord. She is a member of the Black Wing Tribe, whom the current Demon Lord ordered to be eradicated. 

An abundance of trackers assault her and she is hit by a deadening bolt, yet Keyarus party safeguards and recuperates her. Eve turns down Keyarus’ deal, however, he, Freia, and Setsuna admonish her. Keyaru says once she turns into the Evil spirit Master, he needs the Rationalist’s Stone and for her to get harmony among people and devils. 

Keyaru and Eve

While examining their battle abilities, Eve makes sense of what she can call the unbelievable, infection-spreading bird, Caladrius, however, she should get through a few preliminaries, including voyaging from one side of the planet to the other, to cause it to submit to her. Keyaru camouflages himself and scouts the city, however, an abundance tracker remembers him because of his fragrance, constraining Keyaru to kill him. 

Keyaru and Setsuna track down the abundance trackers and slaughter them. As restitution for them obliterating the eatery, they pass on the survivors in a pit to be gobbled up by a monster. Keyaru withdraws when he sees Norn and Cutting edge are joined by the Legend Hawkeye. That evening, Edge assaults and torments a young lady. Keyaru offers a few mixtures to Karman, the storekeeper, who cautions him about the young lady’s destiny. 

After engaging in sexual relations with Freia and Setsuna, Keyaru chooses to involve himself as a lure, changing into a lady named Keara. At a bar, Sharp edge is tempted by Keara and offers Mindful the kid faults him for all that happened to the town, Keyaru advises the shipper to focus on him. Cutting edge moves a resting mixture using a kiss and Keara claims to drop. While Cutting edge carries her to her inn. Along the way, the dad of the young lady whom Edge assaulted assaults her, driving Keara to take him out to save his life and afterward battle Sharp edge. Nonetheless, Edge’s sword, Ragnarok, upgrades her solidarity and permits her to mend from wounds. 

Keara and Cutting Edge

Keara is taken unconscious and later awakens attached to Cutting edge’s bed. Keara peruses Cutting edge’s recollections and learns Norn intends to go after Branica in three days. After numbing Cutting edge’s legs, she has three programmed men assault her. The men then kill and eat her, making Ragnarok return to a pearl. 

After returning to his actual structure, Keyaru meets Trist Organ, also known as Hawkeye. Hawkeye is intrigued by the mixtures he offered to Karman and welcomes him to enlist in his military, however, he declines. Acknowledging Hawkeye is excessively strong for him, Keyaru interfaces with the diamond to shape another weapon; it changes into a mauled glove called Georgius that can recuperate the client’s wounds. 

Keyaru celebrates by engaging in sexual relations with Freia and Setsuna while Eve jerks off in the room this time. On the third day, Norn becomes worn out on looking for Edge and excuses her as useless. Freia proclaims that non-people are not the adversary and requests that the officers stand down, which they do. 

Keyaru celebrates by engaging in sexual relations with Freia and Setsuna while Eve jerks off

As Norn and Hawkeye express disarray, Keyaru breaks in and fights Hawkeye, kills him, then takes out Norn. Subsequently, he peruses her recollections and learns she was answerable for Leonard going after his town. When she awakens, he sedates Freia into behaving like a canine, then guarantees on the off chance that she can endure Freia licking her without climaxing until morning, he will deliver her. Norn bombs the test, so he and Freia assault her. He then deletes Norn’s recollections and transforms her into Ellen, his younger sibling who is infatuated with him and turns Freia back to ordinary. 

Kureha shows up and Keyaru presents Ellen. Keyaru engages in sexual relations with Freia, Setsuna, Ellen, and Kureha while Eve jerks off. He concludes his party will go until they can assist Eve with restraining Caladrius, however, stops to lay blossoms on Karman’s grave, saying he retaliated for him and Anna. The ruler of Jioral allots Projectile to stop Keyaru, and Slug is anxious to assault him once more. Keyaru acknowledges he is beginning to focus on his young ladies, however, concludes he won’t ever know harmony until he seeks retribution on Slug. There the anime ends.

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Redo of Healer Blu-ray

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