Shimoneta: A Boring World Where The Concept Of Dirty Jokes Doesn’t Exist

Shimoneta begins by showing some boys hiding in a building, hiding from the judging eyes of society. They were seeing the babe magazines, which were illegal in the country. After that, they got caught by the police. So in the country, indecent language and materials have been completely outlawed. The citizens are required to wear devices on their necks called digital peacemaker terminals or PMs to track their words.

Shimoneta: A boring world where the concept of dirty jokes doesn't exist

This decree has led to Japan becoming the purest country with pristine public morals, enabling the youth to live upstanding lives with sheets that hardly need washing. And now, Tanukichi Okuma is taking his entrance exam at Tokioka Academy, which stands at the top of the academic moral ranking system. But that’s not the reason he’s striving to get in. It’s because of Anna, the love of his life from childhood. Days later, Tanukichi rides the train, elated by the thought of finally meeting Anna.

While he’s imagining just how pretty she’ll look, his fun is spoiled when he catches a man staring at him. Later, a woman quickly accuses the man of touching her ‘bum-bum area’. This catches the commuters’ attention, and the boy rejects the accusation. He drags the lady out of the train, by saying that he has touched her, and she gets mad at him for ruining her chances of making money out of the guy on the train. Unfortunately, Tanukichi’s heroic deed quickly backfires when she starts calling the security guards on him. 

Then a woman appears, who was wearing underwear over her face and a towel draped over her body. Her name is Blue Tundra, and she makes her entrance by shouting out a dirty words. This has everyone fleeing for their lives and calling her a terrorist, while the police move in to arrest her. But before they could touch her, she proudly announces that she was not wearing anything underneath the towel so they can’t do anything to her.

With the force effectively immobilized, Blue Tundra proceeds with disseminating her parting gift by raining indecent images down on the repressed and deprived citizens. Suddenly, she approaches Tanukichi, assuring him that she’ll handle things before reminding him that he’ll be late for the entrance ceremony. Before he could ask her how he knows this, she runs away, leaving Tanukichi to escape the station.

During the entrance ceremony, Tanukichi’s on cloud nine as he can finally see Anna in the flesh while she makes her opening speech. He shamelessly replays her speech even in the classroom. While he’s busy daydreaming about her, a creepy girl suddenly emerges from between his legs. After quietly introducing herself as Fuwa Hyouka, she asks him a peculiar question: How are babies made?

Moments later Hyouka is promptly smacked in the head by the vice president of the student council, Kajou Ayame. She tells Tanukichi that the council wants him to be the manager of their general affairs in training. He eagerly accepts this. In the council meeting, Tanukichi gets mesmerized as Anna Nishikinomiya introduces herself to him. She says that she’s been waiting for him, but the boy beside her butts in and says that he doesn’t see the eagerness in Anna’s expression at all.

Tanukichi’s shocked when he sees that it is the same guy from the train. He demands to know what he’s doing there, and as it turns out, he’s the secretary-treasurer of the student council. His name is Gouriki Raiki, Tanukichi’s senior. 

Anna then diverts their attention back to the agenda and invites Tanukichi to become one of the protectors of the school’s public morality. He accepts the position without hesitation, but he asks why he got chosen when his alma mater is at the bottom of the morality ranking. Anna says it is the exact reason why.

The school is facing a morality crisis because of an anonymous criminal called Blue Tundra. She’s been traumatizing people left in right in the first purity metropolitan area with her obscene tricks. Anna fears that there’ll be a decline in public morality if Blue Tundra is not apprehended. But the problem is that Anna doesn’t even know what indecency means. She’s never been exposed to any form of obscenity, that is until she encountered Blue Tundra.

The feeling she got after getting exposed to such vulgarity. Upon hearing this, Tanukichi agrees in doing everything. Anna smiles, seemingly impressed by him. Then, she tells Ayame to show Tanukichi the ropes. In a deserted restaurant, Ayame encourages Tanukichi to talk about anything. Then after some time, she announces that she’s the naughty terrorist Blue Tundra. She makes a lewd movement, having fun with her dirty jokes.

However, Tanukichi is not enjoying it and ends her fun by calling Peace Maker Control to report her. Ayame dives to stop Tanukichi, and a few moments later, Tanukichi finds himself bound to a chair. He tries and pleads to be released, but Ayame has another priority. That priority is to ask him to be a member of SOX, the group she founded. Its sole purpose is to bring down the Public Morals and Education Act.

But since he wants to be a moral citizen, Tanukichi refuses to join her group. This makes Ayame ask if he doesn’t want to join because he doesn’t like the name. SOX stands for [REDACTED] happens most Often on X-mas, another one of her terrible vulgar jokes. Tanukichi yells that he doesn’t care. But Ayame continues and shares it’s such a shame he is such a prude when his name has a such wonderful meaning. Still, the boy continues to yell in protest. Ayame just ignores him and explains where “Tanukichi” came from instead. 

The anime continues as she remembers the day her father gave her the cellphone that allows anyone to say anything for three minutes. She boasts that he told her to take the cell phone and make the most out of it due to her extraordinary love for lewd remarks. From that day on, Ayame vowed to change society so she can freely say whatever joke she wants. Now that one of the reasons she formed SOX is out, she asks Tanukichi again to join her.

He still refuses. His constant refusal makes Ayame resort to blackmail. She threatens to report to the peacemaker control that he’s an offender if he doesn’t join SOX. Tanukichi says when she does that, he will report her as well. But Ayame goes for the jugular – Tanukichi’s crush on Anna. She says that Anna will be affected if it gets out that a student council member is Blue Tundra.

Secondly, Ayame is Anna’s best friend. So, if Anna finds out that she’s Blue Tundra, the girl will be devastated. Plus, being Anna’s closest friend, she can help him in his love quest. In the end, Ayame doesn’t even wait for Tanukichi’s response. She declares that the two of them will create a naughty new world. 

Later, Ayame announces that the upcoming school assembly will be more exciting because of an unexpected film show. That weekend, the students gather for another school assembly. But for Ayame, it’s more than an assembly. It’s a dream come true to bring to the academy a world where the concept of dirty jokes exists.

During the assembly, the first step to Ayame’s plans commences. Countless lewd pictures rain down from the ceiling, wreaking havoc on the students’ emotions. Ayame takes advantage of the ensuing chaos and diverts Anna and Raiki outside the auditorium. With the second part of her plan unlocked, it’s time for the main event. Ayame plays a stimulating film about quote-unquote, “combining of two flies.”

This invokes unexplained feelings from the students, achieving Ayame’s goal. Outside, Tanukichi pretends to be Blue Tundra to distract Anna and Reiki. His conflicting emotions confuse him. A part of him knows everything he’s doing is wrong, but he can’t deny that he feels satisfaction when he defies the law. 

The day after the successful mission, Ayame and Tanukichi reconvene to enjoy their victory. To be more accurate, Ayame celebrates while Tanukichi is in a bad mood. She keeps yelling lewd puns, to her accomplice’s annoyance. Still, she congratulates him for doing a good job of distracting Anna and the rest of the council. Because of him, she was able to show an explicit play-by-play process of fornication.

She’s sure that even the densest student has connected the dots of how pregnancy works. She says this while playing with her food, inserting a chocolate stick in and out of a vanilla-filled biscuit – another dirty joke. When Tanukichi calls her out, she coyly responds that it only looks dirty because his mind is. He continues to frown as she grins and teases him about what he drew on the gymnasium wall.

It is then revealed that Ayame instructed Tanukichi to draw a man’s private part. But instead, he drew a symbol for an electric plant. She pokes fun at him until Tanukichi’s frustrated screams ring out of the restaurant. At the council meeting, the electric plant drawing confuses Anna. She expresses her worries about the major attack that happened during the assembly. 

Meanwhile, Tanukichi continues to be racked with guilt as he listens to Anna’s concerns. It turns out that the film Ayame showed regarding “combining of the flies” still doesn’t make sense to Anna and Reiki. However, the rest of the students on the campus tell Raiki that it has obscene meaning. So, he glares at Tanukichi and accuses him of knowing about the video.

His angry rants about Tanukichi, saying that he will never trust the son of an anarchist. Ayame then reveals that Raiki did a background check on Tanukichi the day they met on the train. That’s why he was staring so intently at him—Raiki had been tailing him this whole time. And as Ayame points out, even though Tanukichi saved Raiki there, the senior’s still acting all proud. Put on the spot, Tanukichi has no choice but to explain why he has come to the academy.

He declares that he is indeed the son of the radical, Okuma Zanjuurou. When he was a kid, his father taught him how to live a life where lewd jokes existed. His father used to tell funny ones, so that’s why he loved them. However, after his father fought for the freedom of indecent jokes, he was arrested. This left Tanukichi without a father and got an awful lot of judgment from other people. He also had to move to a different school.

The loneliness and isolation drove Tanukichi to hate not just dirty jokes, but his father, too. Tanukichi first met Anna in the school he transferred to. She’s the only person who did not run away from him and judge him because of his father. That’s why, from then on, he vowed to become a person with a pure heart just like hers. After their little conversation, Ayame compliments him for his speech and makes Anna and Raiki trust him.

Try as Tanukichi may insist that he was being genuine, Ayame dismisses him and begins talking about their next plan. In a stroke of irony, now that Tanukichi’s getting close to Anna, the person who inspired him to live a more upstanding life, he’s also being forced to face the part of his life he had grown to hate through Ayame’s antics. Only time will tell which path Tanukichi will take, but one thing’s for sure: he’s in for a wild ride. That’s what she said. The end. 

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Shimoneta: A Boring World Where the Concept of Dirty Jokes Doesn't Exist - The Complete Series [Blu-ray]

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